Templates and Worksheets.

Multi-Year Budget Financial Dashboard Template (Updated June 2022)

For evolution and change to be fully appreciated, nonprofit organizations need to include multi-year forecast budgets in financial reporting to show how the organization is evolving and how its programmatic goals and activities will be reflected in the future.

This Multi-Year Budget Financial Dashboard Template is intended to help organizations visualize, customize, and apply multi-year budgets. This template pairs the current year budget with 3 years of “out-year” forecast budgets, allowing observers to view the organization’s evolution, as discussed in Weekly Thoughts #94.

3-Month Rolling Budget Template (Oct.-Dec. 2021)

During periods of high growth or rapid expected and unexpected changes and disruption, this 3-Month Rolling Budget Template will be a useful planning tool to help your nonprofit organization strategize, pivot and change course, documenting your search for a sustainable and smooth path forward.

This template includes a best case, likely case and worst case, planning strategy to help senior management and your Board envision a range of possible outcomes and adjust planning to align with available resources.

Financial Health Assessment and Implementation Framework (Updated Nov. 2021)

This worksheet will help you assess your organization’s current financial health position to make more thoughtful and objective near-term financial decisions during periods of uncertainty and evolving new economic conditions.